Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Why Sunday Was Awesome:

"I was checking 'Word is Bond' the other night..." I love you, Angie Baby!

-It was somewhat warm in Rhode Island
-and did not fall
-on the floor
-off of it
-in "the catsuit"
-and screamed to the dehydration point and back again
-and then, despues de muchas risas,
-we arrived home, and I found an elusive odd spot to park in.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

This likely won't come as a

surprise to anyone who knows me, but I'm glad to be busy, glad to be rushing quickly through the slush, repeatedly checking assignments and logging into about fourteen different webpages in the name of "Writing in Cyberspace," heading to practice and back again, thinking doing thinking doing thinking doing. I like when they're equal and towards a common, positive goal.

A common, positive goal. I was focused, calm, and clean, without rush or struggle. Continue, sigue.

And I'm pretty fascinated by the fact that iTunes actually organizes all of the music on your computer for you.


Monday, January 22, 2007

And what I really mean to say...

is something that I'm not sure what to say about yet. Or think.

It's what I want.


Can I make it happen?

I believe so.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

"Emeline - I forgive you as long as we go to Doug's sometime in the nearish future."

"Diana - I apologize for borrowing the journal for academic notes."

"Weird" seems right enough.

I'm weirdly glad to be back in Cortland. I just didn't want to be there anymore, in that mindset. Now I'm comfortably tired to the point where I can't think too specifically. It's nice.

There are things and people that I will have to let go of, or should let go of, or will have to think of letting go of, and what if I don't want to?

The bed's no longer a mess.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The quest:

To write a *meaningful* story.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

English is a funky language.

Whilst speaking online
to Emeline
this afternoon,
I noticed that
do not rhyme.
(Nor do
if you know her.)
("Rhyme" could
almost, though.)

What "shouldn't" be said

If you begin a story with, "This might make me sound like a bad person" or "It seemed like a good idea at the time" or "I probably shouldn't be telling you this," then you've got my full attention.

This has the makings of an early night.

Even my alarm sounded too tired to be set.

Monday, January 15, 2007

your stories have gone stale

Glad you had fun, kids, but Saturday night's over.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Emeline is back in the country!!!

Emeline's mom: "Tell Brittany not to fall on her ass."
Tanya: "OMG! I have to call Brittany!" ::calls Brittany about three times and yells this to her. It is questionable if Brittany has even answered her phone::
Emeline: "My mom is going on the wall!"
"I reallllllly need to pee!" she calls.

"I'm almost done!" I say calmly.

My teeth, of course, need to be thoroughly brushed. The water certainly needs to be turned on. Hot and cold. A little stronger. There we go.

I listen to the stream and smile a foamy, devious smirk.

Friday, January 12, 2007

"You make that look effortless,"

and if only the thought process could follow in the same way.

It always gets better. It just doesn't seem so at the time.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

. . .

She is not impressed.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Dear Diana,

This letter is to inform you that your submission to Toasted Cheese has made it past first reading and will be read by the full editorial board this month. It is not an acceptance letter. You will be notified of our final decision in early February.

In the meantime, keep writing!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Sunday, January 07, 2007

10:10 pm

A sweet cop-out: I've ended this story by using a line previously appearing in the story. Oooh, yeah.

The stars flickered gently in the windows. So many stars.

(Fun with italics!)
There's a bit of a fog about me. I could call it a dream, but if it were so, I would not be here.

[He] had always seen himself floating above the aurora borealis, above the ice caps, in soundless serenity.

Monday, January 01, 2007

in transit

"It was always like that: she was gone and other people were where they belonged. She was going up or down stairs; other people seemed to be settled somewhere." - Toni Morrison

99 Bananas

Why not one more to make it one hundred?

Happy New Year!