Wednesday, August 26, 2009

one suite down, seven to go

I miss writing. And running. Sleeping. Lauren and Deana because they should be here. (And in case you stalk me, Miss Sarah, I'm in need of some life updates! Your jewelry is lovely!) For every good piece of news comes five annoying pieces. But at least there's the good, you know? I should know better, but in any free moment, I just can't be made to move. Not that way.

I want to teach, want to be in the midst of all this already. I'm excited about this class and I think this is something I can do. Something I will enjoy while the rest of me does its usual five-six-seven dance.

Dom on marrying a woman who already has children: "But then if we had kids, I'd have to love her kids as much as mine, and I'm too lazy for that shit."

I'm really, really glad that your mom is okay right now. I thought about her all day yesterday. Still thinking now.

And for the one who has perfected the field of tweezer surgery: What would I do this crazy week without you?

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