Sunday, August 20, 2006

rising fog

I must see my friends and family ere I go. I must pack. Really. I must construct artwork/collages to decorate my room with the people mentioned before. I must run. I'd like to write. I will, again, but I don't know if I can now. Not enough time. What pictures? What time? ((If anyone feels they would like to randomly bestow me with a gift, festive, homemade decorations and collages would be very welcome!)) An internship in the city next summer? I'm so attached to wherever I stay for too long. You all give me good reason to hold on, no matter where I go.

Approaching 1:30 am. Fog rises, nestling the streetlights. They glow for me, serenely blurred. The road is clear. I am alone. I am calm.

Down the road, a sudden and silent dense cloud in the black and orange night. I drive. Red lights appear. Without a whisp, clarity returns. I always knew it would.

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