Thursday, April 21, 2011

Be your literary magazine tonight

This afternoon, it struck me: Why not start an online literary magazine?

I've kicked the idea around casually. But now, I may be in it for real.

Por que?

I enjoy reading, editing, and creating. The Transition days were some of my favorite undergrad memories. I'd like to be back on the other side of the magazine.

To be hammered out:

Well, just about everything--
  • title and domain name (experimented with several earlier; nothing struck me)
  • a mission (I have a sense of this)
  • genres and frequency (also have a sense of this)
  • publishing rights, legalities, etc.


I can go about this solo. But I'd like this to be a team act. I don't mean "initial enthusiasm followed by excuses and drifting off." I mean folks I can rely on, from the get-go and down the road, who will read submissions and argue over which should and shouldn't go in and how the magazine can be pushed further and improve.

Could that be you?



Quoth Cheff Salad, "I do want to be a leader, actually. Or at least a subordinate with input."

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