Monday, December 13, 2010


Last night, a longtime dream of mine came true. Thank you, Wikipedia.

I always thought it would be awesome to have an Hispanic touch in my ethnic pool. I am half-Irish, half-Italian. Split down the middle.

Until last night, when I finally Googled "black Irish" and found a Wikipedia article which lacked sufficient citations and clean-up standards. You know the drill. But I learned that by some definitions, the "black Irish" hail from the Iberian peninsula folks who traded in Mediterranean shores for the great north. Dark hair. Dark eyes. "Unusually white skin." I've got it all.

So the prehistoric Iberians may not have spoken anything that sounds like Spanish. Pero no me importa. Show me some of that Spanish dancing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Black Irish sounds cool. They just call me a mut.

Yay for us Italian, French, English, Irish, Dutch, Scotch, and Native American peeps!