Thursday, December 03, 2009

Discobiscuits, Genesis, and Birthdays

These rainy days wash me well.


When you walk up the path at just the right time -- say, 11 am -- you look down the hill and see deep gray-blue clouds above the water, water that glimmers bright as ice. Under what sun? No matter. It shines so brightly that the strip of land dividing bay from ocean falls into silhouette. These are the sort of scenes I take from this place.


I half-sleep and your toes half-nudge mine. In your sleep state and my half-sleep state, I don't know if you wished to find my foot there or had rather run through. On to the next dream. All the same, I slide my foot aside. Just in case.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LAUREN! And happy birthday yesterday to Rob, my perpetual twin!

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