Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Your attention, please

"All students: read through ALL the Batch 2 submissions. In the folder titled 'Recommendations for NeoVox Contest Winners,' post a message that lists the submissions you think should be in the contest competition. Also, if there are any high quality pieces in batch 1 that should go into the contest..."

Really, this is the least of my concerns.



It's been one of those I'll write something brilliant/I'll stalk Facebook, I'll laugh about spating/I still have to read 15 Spanish poems, I'm leaving this world/Keep me safe, I'm not convinced/Yes, please, 8 pages on Falstaff done/Why am I taking 19 credits? Start to run/A new injury (on the right foot - again) tingling in warning...sort of days.

And then this song plays on the list I created in honor of skimming through those NeoVox entries. Turn the radio up and push the pedal to the ground. And I have to smile.

And though I may not have words, the moment - the moment - is all right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
